Although each person receives an average of 88 emails a day. email is still widely considere one of the most effective marketing tools at our disposal. The average open rate for marketing emails across all industries is around 24. and the average click-through. How to write an email newsletter that people want to open and take action on. Rate is around 4 (or 11 of emails opene). Using these statistics. you can expect to drive approximately 4 site visits for every 100 emails sent. Compare this to an average click-through rate of 1.91 on Google’s Search Network. 0.35 on the Display Network. and an average CTR of 0.9 for Facebook ads. Next. factor in the cost of sending the email (usually not that much). See why 82 of marketers invest heavily in email. Of course. seeing a decent ROI on an email newsletter or
Campaign assumes that the content is
Something the recipient actually wants to read. This is not always the case. A bad email newsletter is Special Database a dime a dozen. Whether it’s the design. the copy. or the marketing message itself. if the recipient isn’t swaye to read and act. the return on investment won’t be as great. With that in mind. let’s take a look at how to create an email newsletter that your customers actually want to read. Handpicke relate content: Email drip campaigns: How to make them smart and fail-proof 1. Send only when you have something to say Many companies seem to think that newsletters are something that they nee to create and distribute on a regular basis. regardless of what they say. Local news outlets share a similar struggle.
They just nee to produce content every day
Regardless of whether the events of the past 24 hours are truly newsworthy. Case in point: News –ATB Directory Examples not worth mentioningimage source But advertisers expect viewers to be informe about local events. regardless of the depth or quality of daily coverage. so companies create content that meets scheule broadcast times. newspapers. etc. It’s not the news meia that nees to be. Businesses that follow a similar model with email risk losing subscribers. Don’t you want that to be your case Make sure to only send emails if you have something worth saying . According to SujanPatel. only send emails if you have something worth saying. Click to Tweet Hand-picke. relevant content: How to create great newsletters that people want to read