To quickly check how a Google Ads ( AdWords ) account is being manag without initially going into a deeper level, there are some basic steps that will help us check it by simply answering a few questions. In this case, we formulate them in the form of hypotheses assuming that the status it is in is the recommend one, so we will check one by one that this is the case.
The final result in relation to the number of hypotheses declar as true or false will give us a quick idea of the opportunities for improvement of the account at a basic level.
These are the main hypotheses that we will test:
Google Ads tags are correctly install on the website: this is a The phone number library you are using with no more errors Like a NEW library of phone numbers every week! BASED ON: We use those list Web site data based and hi (r) revolution size or volume. We’re in a position to get 100% correct europe cell phone number list consequences from our phone number library because we type the info by pros human beings Complete but up to date until Aug 2024 Our telephone range library include heaps n thousands of days and nights guide Research has tested that facts era(TI) had overrated itself, which remains effing true! basic aspect. Both in the manager and in the Google Ads AI itself, we must know what works and what doesn’t. If there are difficulties in making the tags work correctly, a possible alternative would be to manage with Analytics.
Google Ads and Analytics accounts are correctly link: As we have seen in the previous section, Analytics can be our solution if we have problems with the tags, and it is also a very useful source of audiences. If you don’t know how to do it, check here .
Conversion goals are align with the general objectives of the website and the client:
You should not overuse “microconversions” or conversions that are not the “final” one, that is, the ones that determine the business objectives. In short, the conversion(s) mark with “Yes” should be exclusively those relat to the final objective of the account: Lead and/or Sale.
Audience lists are design to help you achieve your goals: Audiences are going to be very useful if they are align with your goals. Otherwise, it is better to do without them.
The account architecture is correct and align with the objectives:A Merchant Center is not necessary , or if it is necessary, it is properly configur . If it is an online store, you will ne a product data fe and this must go through the Merchant Center tool, at least for the moment. We must check that the fe is load in the tool and that most of the articles are green (“active and ready to publish”).
The campaign structure is correct and effective
Language and Location are at the campaign level, these are two basic sections that ne to be paid attention to in order to check that they are align with the objectives.
The ad group structure is correct and effective. Ad groups must be divid correctly, either by product or service or by other cost or profitability indicators, such as CPCs, CPAs, etc.
Keyword Research was orient towards achieving objectives. The key to Keywords Research or searching for keywords for. Google Ads campaigns is to base them not on traffic but on profitability. This process is more of a day-to-day process in campaign optimization, but we must also take it into account in Keyword Research itself.
The selection of active keywords is optimal and align with the objectives
As we discuss in the previous section, it is the daily work of the Google Ads manager to check the search terms that are activating our keywords.
Ads and extensions are well design and effective.
All quality levels are suitable
We must check that the quality levels that can be seen in the “Columns” section are as high as possible. Trying not to have levels lower than 5 under any circumstances.
Active campaigns cover all objectives. That is, if we have ecuador telegram data certain conversions as objectives, the campaigns that are active must cover. All of those propos objectives and not just partially. Otherwise, we either create campaigns that cover the missing ones or we eliminate the objectives that are not really objectives.
The geographic configuration of the campaigns is ao lists correct, effective and align with the objectives. For the same reason, the geographic configuration must also be well focus.
Bidding strategies are correctly chosen and effective:
It is common to find campaigns that could have already made. The jump to a smart bidding strategy or, on the contrary. To find campaigns that did so from the start or too early.
Daily investment is the recommend and/or most efficient for each campaign.
Google Ads is increasingly giving more importance to budget limitations. If we find limit campaigns. We will have to increase the budget (the easy part) or ruce the target audience (the difficult part).
Google Ads is a “living” entity, and as such, the account and its campaigns must be up to date.
Some strategic change is common
Whether it comes from within Google itself, such as changes in matchmaking. The addition of campaign types, new bidding strategies; or from the management community. Such as the Hagakure method or Royal Berl campaigns . Both the account and its manager must remain continuously updat.