Did you know that, in Portugal, 61% of Internet users have an Instagram account? Source: 4GNews advertise on instagram Instagram has seen strong growth over the last few years in Portugal. The origin of this success may be the fact of betting on more visual and instantaneous content, content created on the spot, without major editions, but also in different formats (Image, Carousel, Video, Stories…). Creating an Instagram Campaign is a relatively simple process and can be easily adapted both to your needs and your expertise in Social Media. The two ways to advertise on Instagram are: Through Facebook Business Manager Business Manager (or Ads Manager) is a platform that is available via the computer.
Create an Ad Through the Instagram App
This option presents a lesser diversity of resources compared to Business Manager. 00-paid-social-networks-guide-creating-a-campaign-on-instagram Create an ad through Business Manager Since they belong to the same company, the platform for creating Facebook and Instagram Campaigns is the same. The steps to do this have already been covered in this article on Creating Facebook Ads Campaigns . The difference is in the places where the advertisements are published. To create an ad on Instagram, you must choose this Social Network when the 4 possible publication locations appear: Facebook China Phone Number Data Instagram Messenger partners Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 16.07.57 Once Instagram is selected, you can then choose the places where you want the ad to appear: Feed Story Explorer Screenshot 2020-06-24 at 16.08.12 Create an ad through the Instagram App suggestion-blog-made2webNote: Ad creation is only available for professional accounts.
Create an Ad Through Business Manager
Click on the post you want to promote; 3. Below the image click where it says “promote”; promote 4. Choose one of. The 3 available ad objectives: visit profile where the user is directed to your profile when clicking on the ad. Visit website where the user is directed to your website when clicking on the ad. Send to direct message where the user is directed to instagram messages. Purpose 5. Select your audience. Here you ATB Directory must choose the targeting according to the people you want to reach. Who is your target audience? You can choose between two audience selection options. Automatic It’s Instagram that looks for people similar to the current followers of your page. Manual You define your own target through the following criteria: Location interests age and gender Court hearing 6. Set your ad budget and duration and click “Next”.