Project team plans online marketing campaign A diverse project team with different strengths guarantees the best outcome of your campaign. #3 Define your goals marketing campaign. That is basically the question of all questions. Because A scheduled defining goals is the be-all and end-all. After all, this is the only way you know where the journey should go and you can later effectively measure your success using the defined KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Possible goals and example KPIs of a marketing campaign can be: Acquiring new customers (KPIs: visitor numbers, number of new users). Customer loyalty (KPI: returning users) Brand awareness (KPIs: social shares, reach, interactions, engagement rate) Increase in sales (KPI: Conversion Rate). Backlinks (KPIs: link quality, link growth) In order to be able to reach a meaningful result in the end, it is essential that you precisely document the current numbers of your focused KPIs.
What do you actually want to achieve with your online
The current status – in advance. This is the only way you can actually compare the extent to which the values have changed after the campaign has been played out. #4 Differentiate your target groups In the fourth step, and thus the tone of your marketing campaign and – if you want to address Lebanon Email List several target groups with your campaign idea – differentiate them. In my opinion, this is particularly relevant, because if you don’t speak the language of your potential customers, your marketing campaign is guaranteed to miss the mark. To narrow down your target groups, you should look at the following criteria: Socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status, school education, occupational status, income, etc.) Behavior of the target group (values, attitudes, consumer behavior) Digital locations (social media platforms) Tip.
I recommend that you determine your target group
Since a marketing campaign often consists of various puzzle pieces that all interlock and examine a topic from different perspectives, you can definitely focus on two to four Japan WhatsApp Number List target groups. Example: If you want to sell a new health product, you have to address the “families” target group on a different thematic and emotional level than “singles over 30”, “workaholics” or “medical professionals”. #5 Set a fixed budget In the next step, you should set up a largely fixed budget for your online marketing campaign – or distribute it sensibly if you have to stick to a specification. Roughly speaking. Or person-days that you have to juggle. Tip: Include everyone involved and ask for realistic hourly estimates and capacities. By the way, a generously planned buffer – in terms of time and money – is always a must.