
An objective SEO overview helps you to honestly

An objective SEO overview helps you to honestly

Contents: Preparation & Tools Take a critical look at user-friendliness and content Check competitors Ranking check in Google Search Console Check website technology in the GSC Interpretation & weighting of the results 1. Preparation and tools Ready for a quick SEO overview? Then I’ll tell you now what you need in the next 15 minutes: Laptop, smartphone and Google search Be able to look at the website with objective eyes: You should be able to ignore what you know about the site and the company and put yourself in the shoes of a new website visitor Basic understanding of SEO and UX Google Search Console access for the site (Do you not have it or has it only existed for a short time? Then alternatively.

Why user-friendliness and page viewing come

View user-friendliness & content critically That’s right: To get a quick SEO overview, I don’t start with backlinks, keywords or technology and I don’t throw a page into the tool, but I just look at it in terms of content and user-friendliness.  first First of all, Google also puts the user at the center: almost all updates in recent years point Belgium Telegram Number Data in this direction. Another reason: You can deduce a lot from the first impression ! In this case, there is too much content, too old or too similar, which hinders a good ranking. If the content seems bland and uninteresting, then the site probably has hardly any high-quality backlinks. If a page feels buggy to use, has a strange design, or loads jerkily, then the technology in other SEO-relevant areas may not be up to date.

You know about the site why things are done

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This causes search engines to read and assign content poorly or to make incorrect pages crawlable and indexable. In addition, SEO is not an end in itself : SEO traffic is of no use if a website scares users away, they don’t want to enter their data and quickly leave the page, never to come back. Test with Brazil Email List smartphone and desktop PC That’s why when a new SEO client approaches me. I almost always proceed the same way: First, I surf the site for a few minutes – on both my smartphone and my laptop . I look at different types of landing pages. SEO test with laptop and smartphone Not only because of mobile-first indexing. But also because users are increasingly surfing on mobile, the smartphone SEO test is a must! Be objective As an SEO consultant, I can look at the site objectively, which is an advantage.


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