Because that brings you reach through prominent

The use of a format that Google clearly wants to advance. More website visitors when you include links to your website. Smartphone users. Because the pleasantly uniform interface allows .You to attract smartphone and app users in particular. Because that brings to listen to your podcast. More podcasts per visitor. Google clearly displays the audio episodes for your podcast. On the podcast page and this motivates you to listen. It remains to be seen whether. Google will permanently allow paid ads in its podcast service like it does in YouTube and organic search – I suspect so. Now the question arises: How do you get your podcast in there? This is how you register your podcast with Google Podcast You can’t actually register him, but you can provide the relevant information on your website, which the crawler then finds and processes.

Podcasts in particular are a good way to reach

My conclusion on podcast SEO Audio content is an interesting medium for online marketing.  users with another popular format in addition to text, images and videos and to optimize your website for audio content in podcast format. In addition to Bank User Number Data websites with audio formats, Google also already shows hits from its own podcast service in the Google search. You can also make your own podcast available via Google Podcasts. In the future, Google wants to offer audio content, just as it currently does, news or videos in response to a search query, i.e. display it even if podcasts were not explicitly searched for.Do you want to plan a successful advertising campaign for your products or company this Christmas? Then you are right here. Silja will explain to you how best to go about this and what options you have within your Christmas advertising campaign.

Finding the right target group for the campaign

Special Data

As a bonus, she gives you tips on how you can create last-minute added value for your users. Here is the video (9:25 min) 00:30 When should you start planning your Christmas campaign? 01:56 Inspiration and examples for a Christmas advertising Indonesia Telegram Number campaign.  08:12 Last-minute tips for your Christmas campaign this year# Would you rather read? Here is the video as text: First one, then two, then three, then four, then the Christ child is at the door – and when the fifth light is on, then you have missed Christmas! And not just Christmas, but also the best-selling time of the year. So that you don’t have to mourn your booming Christmas business by the light of the fifth candle, I’ll show you today what you can do next year and also this year at short notice to take full advantage of the Christmas business. Resolution number one: planning.

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