
But the fact is that very few contents have what

But the fact is that very few contents have what

Many SEOs are afraid that internal linking could cause problems or that the ranking could fundamentally go downhill. This is almost never the case when deleting content. Changing the URL and/or page but the fact is structure is problematic and you should never approach it lightly. Every domain usually copes very well with deleting individual content. The hope that the ranking for the 850 URLs could still come. This can be the case if the content is still new – and then I would not recommend such a deletion. For content that is several years old and performs poorly, I would say: You can wait a long time, these rankings usually don’t come back.

The fear that even the top-performing

URLs will no longer rank. That does not happen. I’ve never seen the top performers suddenly drop in the rankings after a generous deletion. Who should delete content? In principle, anyone can do the practice, but Canada WhatsApp Number Data some types of websites are particularly suitable. Older websites, and especially websites that produced content before 2010. Let’s be honest: Back then, the standards for online content were different than they are today. Domains with editorial content. Domains that have a particularly large number of. URLs with no traffic. Domains that continually lose visibility. Who shouldn’t delete content? Young websites that are less than a year old. Websites that have little overall content. Websites that are relaunching. In principle, you can delete some content during a relaunch.

However I would not carry out a major

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Deletion at the same time as a relaunch . You can do this before or after. Too many changes at once can confuse Googlebot, and Japan WhatsApp Number List this definitely includes large-scale deleted content combined with a new design. You should especially leave the URL structure of the existing articles alone if you are deleting them on a large scale. Basically, these days you need a really, really good reason to touch your URL structure. I would at least be careful if the deletion didn’t work like a thinning out, but instead you deleted, for example, 4 out of 5 subject areas on your website. But that has to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Simple How-To: How to delete content What content should you delete? How exactly you identify the content that should be deleted depends particularly on the amount of content you have to examine. has to act differently than a small blog with a few hundred articles.


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