Redirect from the wrong page to the right one. Of course, this only works if the wrong page is not needed for technical caution Check or UX reasons. The hard work: Change any existing backlinks. Example: Instead of the homepage, a category should rank A very specialized online shop has been ranking in position 1 for its main keyword horse feed for years, including its homepage. All categories and the website structure follow this topic hierarchy: Old URL and keyword structure Before the range expansion, the structure was still in order Initial situation: range expansion This shop is now continually expanding its range, so that the previous structure, which was purely geared towards horse feed, no longer fits. He now also wants to offer dog and cat food.
The structure of the website and therefore
The desired keyword structure also changes accordingly. The home page should rank best for animal feed, no longer for horse feed, which is now shown in one category: The goal: The homepage should rank for the France Telegram Number Data new keyword animal feed , the (new) category for “horse feed” and if possible without any loss of sales in the transition period. Provoked keyword cannibalism The switch here was not without danger, as the keyword on the homepage was also the traffic and strongest no-brand keyword. So we proceeded very carefully here in order to take as little risk as possible. To do this, we deliberately provoked keyword cannibalism: The new category has been optimized in the content & snippet, as well as in the internal links to horse feed .
At the same time, the homepage has retained
Its text and snippet. Which has also been optimized for horse feed . As soon as the new structure was online, we monitored the rankings: When does the new category for horse feed start generating impressions in Japan Email List Google Search Console? Admittedly, this actually took a few weeks, but eventually both URLs started ranking. When the new URL remained in this position, the next step came: de-optimizing the home. De-optimization of the homepage. All keyword focus on the homepage was shifted away from horse feed and towards animal feed. Snippet replaced New homepage text (only minimal use of horse feed ). If using horse feed , then link to the horse feed category. The result The keyword transfer took a few weeks. But the high-turnover keyword was in the top positions the entire time.