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Them post content related to their tastings. 25% bought a particular wine that had been recommended on social networks. Being present on social networks can only bring you advantages in terms of visibility, notoriety, commitment and indirectly sales. But the Internet can also bring you direct sales. Sell ​​your wine without intermediaries Large-scale distribution and wine merchants remain favorite places of sale for wine consumers. However, these places of purchase are followed by those of the producers and then the Internet.

Easily Sublimate Your Products

Thus, 29% of consumers most often buy their wine directly from producers and 13% most often prefer the Internet. See how the direct sale of your wines on the Internet would be an additional growth driver, and also complementary to phone number list your on-site sales, or even to distribution in supermarkets and at the wine merchant if you use this distribution channel. Buying wine online is starting to become more democratic. 34% of French people have already bought wine online, and even 47% among 26-35 year olds . And guess which sites are mostly preferred for this purchase? Those of wine producers.

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To This Social Network You Can Very

Faced with increased competition with major e-commerce players (private sales, wine merchants, mass distribution, boxes), wine producers ATB Directory are ultimately more legitimate. 50% of consumers shop on their websites. Convinced? E-commerce offers a conversion lever conducive to your development, if not a way to make yourself known, to inform, to seduce and to federate a community of amateurs around your know-how. And if you don’t know how to take advantage of the Web and social networks, trust our SEO , SEA and Social Ads experts.

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