Black Friday How to Seize the Date and Sell More

With Black Friday, the second biggest commercial event of the year (second only to Christmas), approaching, entrepreneurs of all segments and sizes are starting to get ready to offer discounts and sell much more. But what is the best way to avoid losing your way and failing on this very important date for commerce? To answer that question, we’ve prepared this article so you know everything you need to do to earn more money and stand out from the competition. Check it out! Origin of black friday black friday originates in the united states and is held annually. On the last friday of november, right after thanksgiving, an important cultural. Date for americans and before christmas. In brazil, the practice of black friday arrived in 2010 and, currently. This date is very important for different entrepreneurs to attract. Retain customers to move their business and increase their profitability.

Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

When is Black Friday in Brazil? In 2021, Black Friday is set for November 26, following the tradition of Fridays just after Thanksgiving and almost a month before Christmas. It’s a great opportunity to move any business, including, some brands already start doing promotions throughout the week before this date. According to Ebit|Nielsen, last year’s edition handled a total of R$4.02 billion, an increase of 25.1% compared to 2019. In total, 6 million orders were generated (+15, 5%) resulting in an average ticket of R$652 (+ 8.3%). The expectation is that this Hong Kong WhatsApp Number Data year will be even better. Black Friday on the internet With the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurs had to reinvent themselves and create strategies with a total focus on the digital world.

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Be Prepared for Increased Demand

How to take advantage of Black Friday in 2021? Now that you know the importance of Black Friday for your business, it’s time to get organized. Plan actions to make the most of this date. Therefore, we list five essential tips for the success of this endeavor. Know your audience The first tip is to know your audience, the one your business wants to reach. Although commemorative dates like Black Friday are excellent sales opportunities, it is essential to create strategies to attract new customers. Identifying your audience’s needs can lead to products ATB Directory being purchased and thus facilitate sales success. Set goals To achieve the expected success on Black Friday, it is necessary to have well-defined goals to avoid frustration.

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