
Filter and sort functions help your users find exactly

Filter and sort functions help your users find exactly

Google, right? Nope! If implemented poorly, such faceted navigation can have a negative impact on your SEO performance. In this blog post I’ll tell you what’s important. fly close-up What is Faceted Search? Filter and sort The faceted search (often also called faceted navigation) is a functionality usually built into online shops that allows you to narrow down a large selection of products using certain features (facets). Using filters and sorting, users can then navigate specifically to the products they want. For example, on a category page with numerous t-shirts, a search can narrow down the selection to the desired product by selecting properties for color and size. Typically, faceted navigation is positioned clearly above the product list or in the sidebar.

Facet color selection shirts Faceted navigation

Above the product list: Selecting two colors on a T-shirts category page However, faceted navigation is not only used in e-commerce in classic online shops, but also on websites in numerous Iraq WhatsApp Number Data other industries: Real estate portals (selection based on number of rooms, area, districts) Car portals (selection based on mileage, color, body shape, first registration) Travel websites (selection in terms of rating stars, accommodation types, hotel amenities, room amenities) What is filter navigation? The terms filter navigation and faceted search are often used synonymously. Strictly speaking, this is not correct because filter navigation is only part of the faceted search. In contrast to the faceted search, with filter navigation a selection can only be limited according to one criterion. Selecting the “Work Pants” filter in the.

Trousers main category Combination of

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Filter and faceted navigation A combination of filters and faceted navigation can now be found in a large number of online shops. In this example, only one floor covering can be selected in the soccer shoes UK WhatsApp Number List category (filter). Several versions can be selected for size and color (facet). filter-facet combination Combination of filters and faceted search Potential SEO issues From a user perspective, a faceted search is ideal because you can quickly and easily click through to exactly the right products using the individual facets. However, this can cause serious SEO problems, which is usually due to the implementation of the search. Why? The facet selection often changes the URL because a corresponding parameter is added.


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