Is Actually Inevitable Every Company Will Experience

It is a complex task as it can be about the image of the entire organization, as well as its individual branches, divisions, and even individual members of the management board. Internal public relations – instead of targeting customers, you focus on employees. Sometimes it is necessary to prevent staff turnover or a reuction in morale. Good public relations within the company can replace pay raises and increase motivation to work. How to improve public relations online? On the website of the public relations agency Commplace you will find numerous case studies.

It To A Greater Or Lesser Extent

We believe that it is easiest to describe successes with specific examples, and it gives you an idea of ​​​​what profits you can expect after implementing database specific tactics. Some time ago we carrie out a public relations campaign for MSM Mońki. The traditional Polish brand gaine a new look, fresh content on the website and a strategy tailore to the nees. The result was reaching 31 million recipients and 600 publications with a total advertising equivalent value of PLN 4 million.


Which Is Why It Is So Important

Whenever you’re wondering how a particular public relations firm can improve your online PR, look at the numbers and ask for examples like this. Otherwise, you will only rely on abstract promises that you will be able to verify only after the end ATB Directory of the order. We can’t wait to start working with you on your new project. we start? Are you ready? If so, we encourage you to complete the brief on the Commplace public relations agency website or contact us by e-mail or telephone. We offer public relations services that can be useful to you at every stage of brand building and development. We understand the problems of Polish companies starting locally, because we are one of them ourselves.

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