
Other Key SNAP Concepts to Know

Other Key SNAP Concepts to Know

In addition to the key pillars detailed above, Jill Konrath uses several other buzz terms throughout SNAP Selling. Each defines and addresses a concept or concern highly relevant to modern marketers today. Here’s a closer look at each.

Frazzled Customer Syndrome

This term refers to the Email Marketing List constant state of busyness typical in modern consumers. Your sales prospects have a lot vying for their attention, and they have a multitude of options to choose from when seeking solutions. That said, they’re likely also impatient, demanding, and relatively distractible. A sales rep who understands this going in stands a better chance of succeeding. Buyer’s Matrix The buyer’s matrix refers to the network of core issues your prospective buyer deals with when making a purchase decision. Examples include personal pain points and the opinions of other decision-makers involved in the process. Your understanding of the questions that populate the buyer’s matrix provides the foundation for your sales strategy.

The D-Zone is a term that refers

The dreaded limbo a brand goes to when a sales prospect loses interest in what that brand has to offer. They may show this in any number of ways that involve the letter D — deleting emails, delaying decisions, or dismissing you, to list just a few examples — but the ATB Directory result is always the same. They’re not interested, and you no longer exist to them. SNAP is all about staying out of the D-Zone.


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