The Song of the Sardines This Foie Gras from the Sea

Elected Sardines of the year, in the “old fashioned sardines” category. Where do we eat the best sardines? Did you know that there are collectors of vintage sardine cans? Here is everything, almost everything a Sardinophile needs to know about this small fish, stuffed with Omega 3. Comedian Pierre Desproges made a recipe for it (“vulgar but it’s impressive!”): “Pâté de sardines à la Desprogienne” scarcity, during his Montmartre period, with bread. He was inspired by it to create a ceramic work ( Aux trois sardines ), sold in a limited series since, at Christie’s. The American writer John Steinbeck was inspired by it for the title of his novel Rue de la sardine.

The Story of Canned Sardines

Rich in Omega 3, sardines are one of the cheapest (value for money) and least toxic products on the seafood market, because they are at the beginning of the food chain, dear to Darwin. The sardine makes you smile but it is on the rise! It is the fish that has recorded the most significant growth with sales up 5% and unit sales up 1%. Today, sardines Slovenia WhatsApp Number List represent 17% of canned fish volumes. And not only in Portugal (the Sardina pilchardus must be fished between the beginning of May and the end of October) or in the old port of Marseille, of course. Also in Paris: at Lipp, the famous Parisian brasserie offers its “vintage sardines collection 2011/2016” on its menu, from Maison Chancerelle, leaderof the sector. Prepared the old-fashioned way, Label Rouge is a superior guarantee of traceability.

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The Soldier’s Ration at the Origin of the Rise of Canned Food

It will cost you 12.90 € for this dish appreciated by the singer Sting, who confessed to tasting it regularly during a Taratata broadcast. Under the amazed eyes of Nagui: the world of rock is definitely not what it was. Note that a can of “ordinary” (but quality). Sardines in “extra virgin olive oil” (the delectable ones) costs just under €2 at the local grocer. The “modest” Connétable house (the well-known Chancerelle brand) boasts of having existed since 1949. But ATB Directory the history of the marketing of sardines goes back much further. © Emil Hernon. A little history In 1820, Joseph Colin opened the first cannery in Nantes. The famous little fish, after being headed. Gutted and trimmed by hand, then fried, are preserved in peanut or sunflower oil.

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