
SEO friendly content

SEO friendly content

how to create it and take off your site

When you optimize your web pages — including your blog posts. You make your site more visible to people using search engines (like Google) and rank higher on them.

All good in theory, but in practice, how can blog content help your business rank organically in search engines the way you have it set up?

In this article, you will find the answer to this question and more. Get ready for an exploration into the world of SEO friendly content, the factors that influence it and tips to start optimizing your site for search engines.

First of all let’s say that SEO consists of many factors . These can be off-line , such as backlinks , which latest database are not entirely in your hands to create, and on-line , which are done within your site.

So here we will talk about online seo

Dwell time means how long the user stays on your site before leaving it . This can happen after he has read the article he is interested in or several articles. He may also leave your site before even finishing the first paragraph, as he was not satisfied with what he read in the first few lines.

Although dwell time is an indirect ranking factor for Google and search engines in general, it is a critical factor for user experience . By this we mean how pleasant and readable your content was for the user. And we know that user experience is king when it comes to SEO.

Dwell time, as we said, is the length of time a reader spends on a page on your website. From the moment a visitor clicks on your website in the SERP(search results) , to the moment they leave the page. This metric indirectly tells search engines like Google how valuable your content is to the reader. It stands to reason that the more time they spend on the page, the more relevant and interesting it is to them.

Page speed

latest database

You may have noticed yourself that if a page is slow to load then you leave it and go to the next search results. It is just as likely that someone will do it on your own site if the page is slow to appear.

One reason is speed . Another is that visual elements (photos or even videos) can slow down your site if they are large in size. The solution to this is to download the resolution before uploading them. You can use a free online tool to do it.

This is not the only thing that can slow down the site. Redundant code and overuse of plug-ins can also contribute to a slow website. Removing junk code can help your pages load faster, thus improving page speed.

You can generally make a list of plugins (plug-ins) of your website. Decide which ones you need to run your blog day-to-day and which ones ATB Directory were installed as a fix for a temporary problem. It’s better to get rid of what you don’t need to increase your page speed.


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