Sources of Inspiration for Entrepreneurs

Travel inspires entrepreneurs! The entrepreneurial adventure , like travel, must be guided by an essential quality: curiosity. How many criticisms for its travelers who visit countries without looking for the treasures they conceal, whose sole purpose is to bring back photos and who wish to find themselves in the same conditions as in their countries. They complain about what they miss and can’t wait to get home. Traveling means facing hazards, getting out of your comfort zone, looking for solutions in the face of the unknown.

Travel Brings Encounters

We discover that these eating habits have been inserted like new habits in many countries and obviously they did not come by themselves! Travelers have perceived the interest of developing them in their countries, entrepreneurs who have had the idea of ​​doing business with them. The same is true of all the objects that have invaded our daily lives: fridges, computers, etc. International trade fairs attract visitors from all over the world in search of new ideas to Sports Betting Email List implement in their country and their investment comes down to discovering original ideas that will open new markets. The trip is above all an adventure! Travel also teaches us to confront other rhythms such as slowness, speed, bureaucracy: nothing is more formative than taking a train in India, a bus to go to Machu Picchu to suggest ideas to you.

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Travel Develops the Ability to Organize Oneself

What is at our fingertips in our country could become so in another country like scooters in Vietnam or hats, a real necessity in some countries. But also, the trip comes down to testing to improve its products and bring them new features. Travel brings encounters. The interest also lies in the fact of creating links and exchanging with people who think differently. Between the West and the East, the way of designing sometimes opposes us like the attention to ATB Directory detail with the Japanese and our Cartesian spirit. But it is from the crossing of our different visions that original ideas can arise. Tolerance on the time amplitude obliges the traveler to develop an ability to adapt. It develops much-needed patience as an entrepreneur when we are waiting for a response from the bank or a customer.

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