Love Comes at the Speed of Light

The meeting with the Master Musicians of Jajouka, whom they invite to play on Continental Drift, gives the group – which many believe to be finished – the opportunity to create and play one of the greatest pieces of their rich repertoire. Perhaps the last piece of pure beauty from a group that has already lined up so many? On them as on so many other artists, poets or painters, the frequentation of Tangier and the riches that surround the city, the encounter with the alleys and the port, the cinemas and the Casbah have revived the desire for purity.: It’s pure as silver, it’s pure as gold, it’s a rushing river. Let it run all over me, sings Mick Jagger supported by Lisa Fischer, the huge chorister to whom, like other back singers, a film paid tribute, Twenty feets from stardom.

Tangier the Rebel Has Changed Centuries

Matisse, Delacroix, Brian Jones, Jean Genet or Paul Bowles… in the tradition of these innovators and writers, an entrepreneur is writing on the spot, in the free zone, one of the beautiful stories of the French Connectioncustomer experience: MyOpla, the Pakistan WhatsApp Number List company he founded, will have experienced a 40% growth in turnover this year and will soon employ more than 1,200 employees. Denis Marsault, after a rich career at Bouygues, Team Partners Group, settled there a few years ago. Perhaps he knew, as one of the city’s booksellers put it, that “in Tangier you can invent a new life and you are given the right to the right to do so”.

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A Performance of Teams and Operations Analyzed More Quickly

The good health of the company, which inaugurated its new buildings a few weeks ago, has wisely taken advantage of other desires. Ambitions: that of customers, such as Cdiscount, then in full reinvention of its offer (see the interview with Antoine Pierart). Those of young Moroccan executives, trained in the best schools or with competitors (such as Soumia Abbassi). Wishing to break the glass ceiling they encountered at their previous employers. Those of companies in the sector, such as Zendesk or Vocalcom. Which MyOpla has asked to design ATB Directory new tools, adapted to the vision it has of its profession. When artists, who have already lived a little. Write a few pretty pages, start traveling and find a home port, it can give Continental Drift. And we start dancing. We accept to be bewitched. Love comes at the speed of light, love comes in a strange disguise.

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