Teaching at university

Teaching at university Diotto Brand strategist, neuromarketing and neurobranding expert and founder of a master’s degree in. Web Marketing & digital communication from the IUSVE university.  Always present in the social world, I have cultivat a passion for communication by. Working on the radio as a speaker, writing children’s novels, teaching at university, as a brand strategist for companies and agencies, holding numerous conferences on the world of communication, advertising and web. PREVNEXT Leave a comment.

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E-mail Website Save my name, email, and website seo expate bd in this browser for the next time I comment. Creating signature stories: David Aaker’s new book on storytelling March , In Digital & Social The father of modern marketing highlights the power of storytelling and valuable content. He calls these stories: signature stories. Here’s why. David Aaker is call “Father of modern Branding”. He is now vice president of Prophet , a global marketing and consulting firm. He is a recogniz authority in the world of communication because he has develop several branding models such as the Brand Awareness Pyramid.

In he was induct into

The American Marketing Association ATB Directory Hall of Fame for his achievements in marketing. His books have been translat into languages ​​and has sold over million copies. David Aaker’s new book was creat to respond to three communication nes: . the fundamental ne to communicate strategic messages; . the growing difficulty of doing so; . the awareness that stories are powerful communicators. The starting idea is to apply the power of storytelling to the strategy contain in the messages that companies send to their customers. We are now inundat with advertising messages so how can you choose? How can you get a new message to reach its exact recipient.

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