
This newly created independent URL will possibly

This newly created independent URL will possibly

parameter url filter selection After selecting the color, a parameter URL is created Duplicate content can arise We speak of duplicate content when identical content is provided on different URLs. This causes major problems for search engines as the algorithms have to decide which URL is the most appropriate and should rank for the search query. Parameter URLs can now cause problems in this area. If there is a category page with t-shirts and it is filtered by size, for example, many pages will be created that do not differ much in terms of content. Likewise, the pages filtered by size can also be a duplicate of the regular category page. Another variant of how duplicate content can arise is in the order of the filters.

Depending on whether color or size

Was selected first, the URLs could then be. For Google these are different URLs, but the content is identical and therefore poses a potential duplicate content problem. Crawl budget is charged Every website has Israel WhatsApp Number Data a specific crawl budget. These are the resources that Google has reserved for your website. In simple terms: the number of pages visited by Googlebot. Small websites that have a manageable number of subpages usually don’t have to worry about the crawl budget. Larger shops, on the other hand, should keep this budget in mind. Let’s stick with the example of T-shirts. Assuming there are the following number of characteristics for the propertie

Possible combinations and therefore

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Potential URLs. In the worst case, Google then uses the crawl budget on these filter URLs and not the actually important URLs of the page. Internal link juice is wasted Parameters create a large number USA WhatsApp Number List of new URLs. Which are also linked on every page. As a result, the internal link juice is distributed across many less relevant pages and is not bundled into the important category pages. Analysis of possible problems To find out whether your facet URLs are in the search engine index and whether they are causing you problems, you should analyze several things. Are parameter URLs in the Google index? The first place to check whether your facet URLs are indexed is Google Search itself. With the advanced Google search operators site: and inurl: you can quickly and easily check the indexing of specific URLs.


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