Digital marketing has grown more in the last 5 years than in the last 50! And if we thought there wasn’t much else to go… we were wrong. Online has proved to be endless opportunities to win new customers and retain current ones. And the truth is that most predictions for digital marketing involve high technology and promise to facilitate the work of marketers and bring better ROI to the CEOs of companies. In this article, we have listed what, in our opinion, are the 12 biggest digital trends for the year 2020 (but feel free to complete the list): Artificial intelligence Content Marketing Zero Click Search Voice Search videos Personalized Marketing Interactive Content chatbots Google Ads Smart Bidding Stories on Social Networks shopping posts Omnichannel Marketing
Content Marketing the Main Key of SEO
Artificial Intelligence (AI) We start with AI, as it is an intrinsic part of other trends that we will also talk about. Artificial Intelligence is the science of programming machines to automate human tasks, which, nowadays, is also capable of analyzing data through progressive learning algorithms and achieving incredible accuracy through Machine Learning . “The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” by SAS Software UAE Phone Number Data In 2017, Gartner predicted that artificial intelligence would be present in nearly all new software products and services . This research and consulting firm also predicted that by 2020, 25% of companies would use chatbots for customer support . The year has just arrived and, if it has not yet reached this value, we are certainly close to it.
Digital Marketing Has Grown More in the Last 5 Years Than in the Last 50
Did we get it right? Organizations that adopt artificial intelligence for the most diverse tasks such as customer service, data analysis or service development will reduce their costs with human resources and accelerate growth, increasing the competitive advantage over their competition. According to Techgrabyte : “Artificial intelligence is the biggest business opportunity for companies, industries and nations in the coming decades” and “those who delay implementing AI will be at a serious competitive disadvantage.” The reasons for starting to ATB Directory use this technology are several, but the main one is that it brings a great competitive advantage. reasons-to-adopt-artificial-intelligence Source: in 2. Content Marketing (the main key of SEO) We continue with our usual king, content (which is also the intrinsic basis of other digital trends that we discuss below).