Times of Pandemic Upn Teacher Wins

Reading a motivational phrase for students is of great help for those who believe that they have already reached a limit and do not see any further options to continue. Upn Teacher Wins Each one is essentially designed to demonstrate how important study is in life, they transmit experience, encourage achieving goals, fight against pessimism and are small moral pills that help personal growth.

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So when you feel like you can’t find motivation, cheer up! Don’t allow yourself to fall. Words are very powerful in people’s minds. Cronotopos”, the story that tells the business email list journey of a young man through the city of Ayacucho to discover the whereabouts of his biological parents, by our undergraduate teacher, Carlos Borda, won first place in the XXIX edition of the Horacio Zeballos Gámez award. organized by Derrama Magisterial.

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Borda expressed his pride in the award. “ Upn Teacher Wins I feel excited about the recognition and motivated to continue writing, since achievements are indicators to know how far we can go,” said our teacher, who seeks to convey social, historical and cultural ATB Directory backgrounds in his works at the time of writing. Passionate about literature, Carlos Borda has other distinctions such as obtaining second place in poetry in the National Short Story and Poetry Contest of the National Literary Linguistic Congress (CONALL) 2019 edition, and an honorable mention in the “Ten en Cuento a La” contest. Victory” 2014 edition.

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