
What about archive content If you work at a

What about archive content If you work at a

Gary Illyes from Google has pretty clear answers: You shouldn’t delete archive content like this. Very few major news websites delete their old articles. They’re not necessarily of poor quality, just old. Personally, I would leave them online too. Google’s opinion At Google, the majority of people are of the opinion that you shouldn’t delete content, but rather revise and improve it. Of course, you have to look at this from the perspective of Google employees: In principle, you can make a lot of mistakes by deleting content on a massive scale, so as a Google employee I would advise against it. Literally, John Müller once said in a webmaster hangout: “Improving it [the content] means that the rankings can only go up, whereas by removing it, can cause loss of rankings instead of the gains that some people think content removals will do.

You can find a great article on the topic on

Search Engine Journal (in English). How & Why You Must Improve or Remove Your Old Content . It contains Google’s various statements over the years and why author Danny Goodwin (editor-in-chief of France WhatsApp Number Data Search Engine Journal) still deletes its content. I completely agree with Danny. Additional tip for shop operators If you own an online shop, you should also check product URLs. Do you have products that don’t rank well and that no one buys? If the answer is yes, then seriously consider whether you want to remove it from the range. Every “offline shop” takes poorly selling products off the shelves – unfortunately, in online shops I sometimes see a tendency to say “It won’t cost anything if you keep it in the range.

I would also take a strict look at whether

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All the products actually still make sense. Delete content Here is a slightly older graphic from 2018. At that time, we deleted 25% of the content in a project and were able to significantly increase traffic Mexico WhatsApp Number List within a few weeks. What do you do with URLs that are scheduled for deletion? Actually deleting a URL using a 404 or 410 status code should always be the last resort. There are other things you can do. See if you have a similar URL that performs well and covers the same topic. Then forward via 301. This is super easy to do with a site query. Enter “ Keyword ” into Google and you will be shown the most relevant URLs for the corresponding keyword on your own domain.


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