Image highlighting Rule of Thirds Imagine if the person was sat in the middle third – the image wouldn’t look so dramatic. By placing them in the left third. it tells more of a story and makes the image more compelling. Most cameras allow you to switch on a grid set up like this. so you can quickly frame your subjects in a more interesting way. You can also apply the rule of thirds to screencasts. Often. there’s a lot to focus on in a screencast and it can be overwhelming for your audience. By using the rule of thirds.
You can draw your audience’s eye to
Where it nes to be. Example of using Rule of Thirds in Screencasts You may still ne to add extra effects such as cursors. arrows. or highlights. but framing your screen asia email list correctly is automatically going to give your audience more clarity. There’s lots more to learn about framing. so if you’re interest. check out our Basics. Setting Up to Shoot Video course. 4. Not lighting your videos effectively Good lighting is essential to any video. If your subject isn’t lit well enough or your video is too dark. the end result may appear grainy. This mistake can drastically ruce the overall quality of your video. It’s often not enough to rely on natural light as it changes all of the time. So. Matt recommends investing in some lights.
This way you have consistent control
Over it and can improve your video’s final look. Lighting can change the entire dynamic of your video. Similar to framing. small adjustments can communicate big things. If you want a ATB Directory more dramatic look. for example. you could include bright lights. or if you want something less intense. you could use softer lighting. Three-point lighting is a quick way to improve how your video subjects are lit. This lighting style is a straightforward way to avoid any lighting issues and get a professional-looking result. It involves using a backlight. a key light. and a fill light to separate your subject from the background and remove any problematic shadows. Example of Three-point Lighting Our TechSmith Academy course. Basics.