What Is the Call’s Objective?

In the call called order r&d – 2020. It is aimed to transform solution proposals that meet customer requirements into commercializable. Outputs through r&d by smes. Therefore, r&d projects that can quickly turn. Into products and have high commercialization potential will be supported in the call. The supplier. Therefore, organization will carry out the r&d work in the projects. The client organization will commercialize the project output. Therefore, the customer organization will contribute. To the r&d costs of the supplier organization. Thanks to order-based r&d projects. It is expected that cooperation between industrial organizations. Will increase and r&d outputs will turn into commercial products more quickly.

What Is the Call's thought that

The call will encourage the emergence of secondary (spin-off) companies from within the Customer Organization. It is envisaged that the Industry Email List call will increase the effectiveness of the national innovation system by directly contributing to the processes of sharing. Therefore, disseminating and productizing knowledge. Therefore, what are the responsibilities of the customer company placing the order? In existing publicly supported R&D grant programs, partnerships were provided by meeting companies that would carry out the development work needed to obtain an innovative product or process. 

In this program a company that will What Is the Call's

Use the project output for the first time will be the executor. Of the order-based r&d project. Even if it does not make any technical contribution. And will provide the ATB Directory technology it needs, together with its intellectual. And industrial rights. Therefore, the customer company placing the order is expected to fulfill. 2 responsibilities as the executive; checking that the project is progressing. As planned covering 40% of the project budget in light of the information explained above. Therefore, we can state that the program can provide a significant resource advantage. For companies that are considering placing an order for a technology they need or. Conversely, for technology companies. Therefore, that will develop an innovative output for a customer. 

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