A small improvement in the online store that will have a negative impact on conversion

This short-term idea may possibly have a negative impact on conversion. Now you might rightly say, “Why do it then?”

We have been working little by little on our online store with Shopify. We have applied small conversion improvements. We have little traffic and we are not measuring the results so if they are really improvements it is just theory at this point.

In less than a week we are going to officially launch

Our affiliate program. To do this I just thought of adding one more thing to the product sheet.

We already have one thing in place that may possibly improve conversion towards larger purchases.

We have packs with several units and phone number library if the customer changes from one to another they can see the percentage savings and what the purchase of the unit costs.




Now I want to add one more thing

“+25€ revenue for affiliates. Find out more.”

This little line possibly has a negative impact on conversion. In the end you always want to buy the product and you might say.

“If I become an affiliate before I buy dobar par školskih cipela može pridonijeti sigurnostiand I pass the link to Pepito, I can still save because I receive…”

It makes sense to test it despite the negative impact. At least for the first month to attract more affiliates faster. After that initial phase we can remove it again.

Our bet will be influencer marketing in combination with affiliation. Will it work? We’ll see.

At first I was more worried

Since I had not learned to write in Spanish 100% (I was born in Germany and my learning of written Spanish was limited to 30 minutes per week in the 2 hours of weekly Spanish classes along with history, geography, etc.).

There is something important that has changed aub directory in the last 5-10 years. I no longer write for potential clients. These lines are for me so I am not worried about spelling mistakes. These lines do not have to be perfect. The important thing is to write them down, day after day, year after year.

What also fascinates me is that it allows me to “travel in time”. Looking for an example for this I just found this.

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