You can now forward the article using a 301 redirect instead of just deleting it. In this way, no link power from external backlinks, for example, is lost. However, it is important that the URL really fits thematically. There’s a simple rule here. If a user clicked on the old link. In a forum and then landed on the new. URL – would they still be satisfied with the content. Or would the topic be related but not what he is looking for. Google doesn’t like it when off-topic. URLs are merged using redirects just to save link power. By the way, this also answers the question: “Should I redirect deleted URLs to the homepage via 301?” No, except on the homepage the user finds what was previously on the corresponding subpage.
Unfortunately some SEOs still do this incorrectly
See if it’s worth revising the URL. You’ll be surprised how often this happens. Some URLs would be great in terms of topics. But are simply not implemented correctly. Or the information on this topic Germany WhatsApp Number Data is out of date. It is also very often the case that the URLs are a few years old and the competition has now added better content and you have therefore lost in the ranking. Here you can add a “Ü” to your list and leave the URL indexed for now. I would then revise it, tending to publish a new URL and redirect the old one to the new one. Then Google will understand more quickly. That the content has been updated. If 1 and 2 do not apply, then delete the URL. Don’t you have any traffic? The quality of the content is poor.
There is no URL to redirect to
And a revision isn’t worth it? Then delete the URL. It’s best to use the status code 410 (Gone), this tells Google that the content has finally disappeared and will not possibly reappear like with 404. But 404 is fine too. Recommended deletion strategies Create a backup of your content. Better safe Singapore WhatsApp Number List than sorry. If all else fails, you should be able to restore the content. If you are not an SEO professional: Hire a professional to handle the process and get advice. Even though content deletion can achieve a lot, it can also cause a lot of damage if done incorrectly. Be sure to delete content independently of other SEO measures. If the rankings plummet, you won’t know whether it was due to the deletion or another measure. If you need to delete a lot of content, do it in several steps. Delete the first batch first, then wait a few weeks to see how the rankings develop.