One of our recent implementations

One of our climate and environmental protection and energy goals. Clean and emission-free mobility is support to a greater extent. Investment aid for charging infrastructure for electric vehicles or hydrogen refueling also taking. Into account refueling infrastructure supplying vehicles with non-renewable hydrogen. The scope of aid for renewable energy, biodiversity, energy efficiency and recycling and reuse of waste is also broadly cover. In order to promote resource efficiency and support the economic transition about close circuit. One of the beneficial changes is also the inclusion of conditions. For aid in the form of tax reductions or environmental protection fees.

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Energy efficiency and recycling and reuse of waste to promote resource efficiency and support the transition to a circular economy. One of the beneficial changes is also the inclusion of conditions for aid in the form of tax reductions or environmental protection Photo Retouching fees. energy efficiency and recycling and reuse of waste to promote resource efficiency and support the transition to a circular economy. One of the beneficial changes is also the inclusion of conditions for aid in the form of tax reductions or environmental protection fees. Additionally, in the framework of a sustainable Europe, aid for services to SMEs may be grant in the form of vouchers, for example to promote eco-consultancy services.

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The changes also take into account the effects of increasing energy prices cause by Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine. Settlement of indirect costs Additional overheads and other operating costs, including the costs of materials, supplies and similar ATB Directory products, incurred directly as a result of the research and development project may alternatively be calculate on the basis of a simplifie cost method in the form of a flat rate of up to the total eligible costs of the project i.e. costs of personnel, apparatus and equipment, buildings and land, research perform under the contract, knowledge and patents, consultancy costs.

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