You can also use headings in WordPress which

You should make sure to use useful headings and subheadings. Note that Heading 1 should only appear once. All other URLs must be used in a clean structure. This means that after heading 1, heading 2 should always follow and no jump to You can also use heading 4 or 6. articles-with-headings Using headings to structure articles Use unique titles and descriptions The HTML title of a website is very relevant for search engine optimization. Google sees the title as an important signal for the page content. The description of a page also has a certain importance because, together with the title, it forms the preview on the Google results list, the so-called snippet. Would you like to know how to optimize your titles and descriptions.

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Creating optimal titles and descriptions and the optimal length of titles and descriptions . If you have installed the Yoast SEO plugin, you should New Zealand WhatsApp Number Data scroll to the bottom when creating your post. You can then enter your title and description there. Determination of title and description Optimized title and description in the Yoast plugin Strengthen internal linking The number of links and the link text are very important for evaluating linked pages. The more often you internally link another page on your blog, the more important it becomes. Basically, when linking internally , you should also make sure that the link text contains the keyword relevant to the target page. To do this, simply mark the words you want to link, select Insert link and enter the desired internal URL.

Selecting an internal link Internal linking

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Strengthens your pages Check comments manually In an ideal world, great dialogues develop with or among your readers in the comments China Telegram Number of your WordPress website. You will receive questions, praise or other feedback that you can respond to. But spam still exists in the real world. When a user writes a comment, a website link can also be provided. Spammers are users who take advantage of this and automatically set backlinks to their website on thousands of blogs. This method no longer has a positive SEO effect for spammer websites. But it can have a negative impact on your site. Google itself communicates a whole bouquet of reasons here. Among other things, content with low quality can affect the ranking of the entire website.

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