
Content conversion delivers 900% ROI for IT training companies

Content conversion delivers 900% ROI for IT training companies

You’ve heard that diversity is the key to success in content marketing in 2015. Consumers Content conversion delivers are expected to exceed the vanilla content if they are to purchase from you. Visual learners need graphics and videos to focus on your brand.  One of BRAFTON’s IT training clients showed that providing visitors with a range of brand media, including short and long written, visual and promotional strategies.

Build a resource center that drives

As a company that provides training America Cell Phone Number List to customers, it is important to Content conversion delivers build a resource center that clearly demonstrates the value of its products and engages visitors through the sales funnel. Clients have written blog posts published by internal team members and supplemented with news-driven stories by content writers. While this initial strategy continued with strong year-over-year results more organic traffic , strong conversion numbers), the company knew it could do more if its website content was more comprehensive.

America Cell Phone Number List

Generate a variety of assets to identify qualified

content marketing strategists ATB Directory map out a diverse strategy that fully reflects. The customer journey from initial point of interest to point of sale. We have produced a lot of written content to drive demand such as. Software update market trend Most valuable job skills . To complement these assets, our design team began delivering custom. Graphics to illustrate some of the most important topics covered on the blog. Regular case studies to exceed requirements and demonstrate results Communications and Promotion Resource Center


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