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What SEOs do now is to improve the online shop on these three points. Everyone goes about it differently. And everyone has different priorities. While some swear by link building, other shops optimize technical aspects such as page du willst lieber loading speed down to the last detail. Others focus on the content of the website and provide the user with the best experience . Since it is an algorithm, there are several ways to reach the goal. It feels like the first and last points have become more important in recent years, while the first point has lost relative to the others. You should always keep an eye on all three to achieve optimal results. Is search engine optimization forbidden? No. Neither Google nor the legislature have anything against search engine optimization – on the contrary.

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Google even wants you to make your website more readable – because this makes their work easier and the search engine finds good results faster – which benefits users and ultimately makes them more satisfied with Google. However, there Taiwan Telegram Number Data are some techniques that violate the so-called webmaster guidelines . For example, anyone who obtains links in an artificial way (e.g. by bribing other webmasters with money to link to their own website instead of getting real recommendations) can benefit from this in the short term. However, Google does have one own team that takes care of debunking these techniques. If you get caught, you may be intentionally demoted a few places or even completely removed from the Google index. So it may be that this is exactly what you are doing achieve the opposite of what you want.

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Apart from that, techniques such as purchasing links and placing links in forums for the purpose of advertising violate the law against unfair competition (UWG) . Paid advertising must be marked as such in Germany. Since you obviously don’t want Mexico Phone Number List to show Google that you are buying links, purchased links are rarely awarded. Unfortunately, many search engine optimizers – especially agencies – still buy links today. This works primarily because of the principle “Where there is no plaintiff, there is no judge”. If you ever become active here – as is currently the case with Instagram influencers with non-labeled advertising – then things are bad for the link buying industry. How long does it take for my online shop to have good rankings? I wrote a separate post about this. You can find it here . To put it briefly: It depends heavily on the market environment, the desired keywords and your own website.

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