
Email list with priority This is

Email list with priority This is

 Would it be fair if I kept all the information to myself? Neither do I. 4. Get started, take the first step It’s easy to just plan and dream about what kind of business you want to build. But it’s another thing to implement that plan. From time to time, I still find myself returning to the old operating model, where I get bogged down in the planning stage. the digital revolution and my new coach Joonas, I have slowly learned to take that first step. In this job, things are usually big entities. Figuring them out is difficult at the beginning and sometimes it feels like there is too much work.

However, with the help of

That is why it has been easier to notice that even one small thing helps to move latest database forward. For example, one small thing is that before I close my computer, I leave one tab open. That’s what I do / work on first thing the next morning. And the best thing about this is that the smaller the step you take, the easier it is to take that step. So if starting a blog seems like too big a piece, break it into smaller parts. First, watch the instructions in the video . The next day, read the post with the written instructions . third day . Each step is small, but they strengthen your feeling that you too can and know how. 5. The decision to move forward is not enough, the decision must also be put into practice Pekka told a story in the E-book Mastermind.

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 of the pond and two decided to jump into the water. How many frogs were there at the edge of the pond? If you answered one, you are wrong. Namely, three frogs were still sitting on the edge of the pond. Just deciding to do something is never enough. It’s an excellent start, but after the decision something concrete has to be done. Mel Robbins talks about the 5 second rule. When you ATB Directory make a decision, act within 5 seconds before your head starts giving you reasons why you should NOT do it. 6. Don’t get stuck on small details and move forward Details are important.


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