You can probably skip this one if you’re a small busines. Do you use DoubleClick or Analytics 360. Not anymore! Building on existing integration between previously disparate platforms. The second new brand of consolidation. Google Marketing Platform will enable enterprise. Google Marketing marketers (and the agencies that serve them) to marry creatives and analytics in a single location. This will make it easier for both parties to “plan, buy, measure and optimize. digital media and customer experiences in one place.” As part of the marketing platform on Google, Google has also launched a new feature called Display and Video 360.
Brand architecture overhaul in the name
As I mentioned above, these substantial rebranding efforts are fueled a growing need for simplicity in online advertising. Consider the following… Conceptually, AdWords was created for a computer-first world. Where someone comes home from work, smokes, retreats to Google Marketing their cameras, and surfs Special Database the web for what may have been the first time that day. If you’re younger than me, you probably don’t even remember that place existed. Today we live in a mobile world, where we conduct initial inquiries on phones. Conduct research from a three-monitor setup in the office, watch product videos on YouTube.
How smart are “Smart Campaigns”
Built on the same technology that powered AdWords Express. Smart Campaigns are tailor-made for busy small business owners with little paid search experience and little time. The feature allows busy advertisers to “create ads in minutes and drive real results. like making the phone ring, sending Google Marketing leads to your website, or driving customers ATB Directory to your store.” Sounds good, but will they work? If you remember, AdWords Express , while fast , wasn’t particularly effective for many businesses because it took control away from advertisers and put it in the hands of machine learning.