Your URL is ranking for the wrong keywords

This is very similar to the first example. Often there is simply no other suitable site for the keywords and/or your. URL is not optimized precisely enough for your actual keyword – or it is simply still too competitive. This is especially the case if your site is still brand new. Then it may make sense for you to first focus on keywords that are less searched for but are 100% relevant, for example “organic horse feed” instead of just “horse feed”. I also recommend that you rely on content marketing to become a brand for Google and your potential customers and to create trust. Conclusion Many roads lead to Rome – or to the right landing page. I think there is often no one concept because many factors come into play, including.

Your willingness to take risks The sales relevance

I always find it exciting to think about a course of action, see the measures take effect and observe the rankings. What do the other SEOs out there say? Do you have any other concepts. And one last word: With all the optimizations, don’t forget that you’re primarily Greece Telegram Number Data optimizing for users, not for Google. *These are real examples, but the keywords and industries have been changed so as not to allow any conclusions to be drawn about our customers. Cover image. How can we help you ? Let’s talk to each other free of charge & without obligation Your contact person: Julian Surname* E-mail* URL phone News Related articles 12 reasons why your online shop doesn’t rank well 12 reasons why your online shop doesn’t rank well August 18, 2016 You have products, you have an online shop – but somehow the Google rankings don’t come about. Why is it? Today I’ll give you 12 reasons why the problem could be.

Not all of these points are essential for a good

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Ganking – but taken together they can be! Continue reading ” SEO checklist: 56 measures for your site SEO checklist: 56 measures for your site April 27, 2018 SEO is a broad field. So that you don’t lose track of all the optimization measures and possible pitfalls, we have put together an SEO Malaysia Email List checklist that will make your way through the search engine jungle easier. Continue reading ” Link exchange for stupid people: destroy your website! Link exchange for stupid people: destroy your website! July 29, 2011 Well, I haven’t blogged in a long time. I’ve given up my crazy life and no longer work from home, but have rented a chic office in the Munich technology center. Since I had to carry a lot of things around and have only had internet for a short time, I can only now really get started again. By the way, we are also taking. Such double rankings are a nice thing: more attention in the search results! But not everything that glitters is gold. On the contrary: this can often even be a disadvantage.

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