B-roll is also an excellent device for any video creator who nes to cover up a mistake. Say you ne to include an extra shot or add in some footage. You can use B-roll to bridge the gap or cover the cut. There are plenty of resources out there for finding B-roll. including TechSmith Assets for Camtasia. But Matt cautions to only use B-roll when it adds value to your video. These extra elements should increase your audience’s understanding and reinforce your messages. So. he encourages you to be intentional with your B-roll choices. 7. Not shooting and iting with the end in mind How often in your video creation process do you think about what your finish video will look like? It’s easy to get caught up in making the video and lose sight of the end product.
The best way to stay on track is to lead
With a strong plan. At TechSmith. we’re advocates for using storyboards and scripts to guide each part of the video creation process. These tools africa email list are like a map leading you to that final destination and are similar to a checklist. They help you record exactly what you ne. so you don’t miss anything or end up with too much unnecessary footage. It can be tempting to include more than you ne if you have surplus footage but remind yourself of your video’s purpose. A script or storyboard can give you permission to cut anything extra and keep your video focus on achieving its goal.
If you’ve never written a script before or are
Intimidat by the idea of storyboarding – we can help! Our TechSmith Academy course. Basics. Writing and Using Scripts. breaks down ATB Directory everything you ne to know about approaching scriptwriting and gives you some key tips to get start. So. those are the 7 (not-so) deadly sins of video creation. If you’ve been making any of these mistakes. take the time to learn a little bit more about what you can do about them. There are plenty of free resources in the TechSmith Academy that share even more tips and advice for leveling up your skills in each part of the video creation process.