Health campaigns aim to raise awareness among the population about the prevention and treatment of some increasingly recurring diseases. The second month of the year, despite being short, has two campaigns called Purple and Orange February, colors that draw our attention to two important causes. But, how do you create themes of the health campaign for the month of February and how to include it in your company, thus contributing to the prevention, diagnosis and coping with diseases. colors of the months What is purple and orange February? The term “purple and orange February” are two health campaigns with the aim of bringing ways of ry), lupus, fibromyalgia and Alzheimer’s (purple February). Throughout the month of February, health organizations and groups promote actions aimed at disseminating information, raising funds and raising awareness about these medical conditions.
In this sense efficient communication
More people know possible causes, forms of treatment and, above all, whether there are ways to avoid them. Promote and disseminate knowledge about these campaigns to reduce the stigma associated with these conditions. Furthermore, it helps to encourage solidarity and support for people affected by each of these diseases. See below for more details about each of these campaigns and their respective diseases: Purple February The Brazil Phone Number Data Purple February campaign originated in , in the state of Minas Gerais, addressed by the campaign, have no cure, but strategies to control symptoms are available and allow patients to live with these conditions. However, in all of them, early diagnosis is crucial to delay and control symptoms effectively. Still little known, Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by widespread and chronic muscle pain, lasting more than three months, without evidence of inflammation in the affected areas.
In addition to pain, symptoms include unrefreshing
Sleep, tiredness, mood disorders (anxiety and depression) and changes in concentration and memory. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes periods of exacerbation and remission, causing the body to produce more antibodies lungs nervous system. Although there is no cure for Lupus, adequate treatment can control and even eliminate the symptoms of the disease. World Lupus Day is May Belgium Phone Number List th. Finally, Alzheimer’s disease is the main cause of dementia, characterized by a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that results in the deterioration of cognitive functions and memory. It manifests itself through the gradual impairment of daily activities, presenting a variety of neuropsychiatric and behavioral symptoms. Recent memory loss is one of the first and most distinctive symptoms of the condition. purple february February Orange The February Purple campaign aims to raise awareness about Leukemia and the importance of donating bone marrow.