Rochebrochard Is Going to Publish the List of Investment Funds

The forthcoming and announced distribution, by Jean de la Rochebrochard (Kima Ventures), of a list of investment funds that do not respect their financing commitments is agitating the Galion Project and three arrondissements in confined Paris, perhaps four. (Read the Figaro article on this subject: Bad shots and broken promises within French-tech). This list is already circulating on WhatsApp, but restricted to entrepreneurs in contact with these funds. Vanessa Springorawrote a beautiful book about another environment and a time when silence was golden and the rule. That Grasset published at the beginning of the year. It is suggested to Jean de la Rochebrochard, who is a brave boy, to publish the list, or even a book. For the title, we thought of Rue Réaumur or Le non consent.

Chapter 1 a Report on This Theme Why

We had also thought of La modification but ex-khâgneux who hang around in the editorial office shouted at us that it was ALREADY the title of a book. Damn then. And if we add term sheet, it passes, The modification of the term sheet, as a title? There, the ex-khâgneux rolled their eyes. In any event, Jean, if by any chance you are a shy person and interested in editorial adventures, we at Malpaso are ready to publish this book; if the big publishers take Norway WhatsApp Number List fright? In the meantime, we are re-publishing our investigation, which dates from three years ago, on start-ups and new mythologies. Manuel Jacquinet.

Whatsapp Number List

Chapter 2 the Origin of the Myth a Garage

With a lot of talent and trainees (?), go through square one and take, not 20,000, but 10 bars (millions of euros) will have seen a lot lately and which is starting to provoke reactions. And so En-Contact thought that a report would be wise, in two parts. This month: coolnessstart-ups a new mythology? In the next issue: is the promise of customer delight, issued by many start-ups, another Mythology? Chapter 1: a report on this theme, why? Pierre Aïdan, Stéphane Le Viet and Thimothée Rambaud, co-founders of Legalstart – © edouard Jacquinet In Mythologies, Roland Barthes wrote “In France you are not an actor if you have not been photographed by the Harcourt ATB Directory studios”.

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