The Followings Expenses of Beneficiaries Included

Corporate Governance Principles is the name given to the basic managerial tools that institutions must apply to achieve sustainable management. Corporate Governance Principles: The OECD Council. Therefore, which met at Ministerial level on 27-28 April 1998 , together with national governments, other relevant international organizations and the private sector, requested the OECD to develop a set of standards and guiding principles on corporate governance. Therefore, prepared upon request. For this purpose, OECD has prepared the principles in question, based on national enterprise experiences in member countries and existing studies carried out within the OECD, including the OECD Business Advisory Group on Corporate Governance.

A number of OECD committees

Were also involved in the preparation. Of these principles. Therefore, such as the financial markets committee, the Fax Lists international. Investment and multinational enterprises committee, the industrial. Committee and the environmental policy committee. In addition, contributions from non-oecd countries. Therefore, the world bank. Therefore, the international monetary fund (imf). The business world, investors, unions and other relevant parties were also benefited. This study consists of two parts. The principles presented in the first section cover five areas: I). Shareholders’ rights; ii) fair treatment of shareholders; iii) the role of those with direct interests. Iv) public disclosure and transparency; v). Responsibilities of the board of directors.

In the second part of the study

The principles are discussed in an explanatory manner. Corporate Governance Principles What are the Corporate Governance Principles? Corporate Governance Principles is the name given to ATB Directory the basic approaches determined globally for companies to achieve a Corporate Governance structure. In this regard, the OECD in the world and the CMB in Turkey act as regulatory bodies. Regulations regarding corporate governance focus on four basic principles. Fairness, Transparency, accountability Responsibility. The principle of fairness is the expression of the company management’s equal treatment of all rights holders. This principle specifies the protection of shareholder rights. Therefore, including minority shareholders and foreign partners, and the implementation of agreements made. 

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