
The number of hits that Google shows you gives

The number of hits that Google shows you gives

Google shows that filter. URLs are indexed If you are a user of. Google Search Console (which I strongly recommend). You can check for individual URLs whether they are already indexed. To do this, you can use the input mask at the top and enter any. URL of your property. gsc url check input mask. Checking a URL in Google Search Console. If you see the following message. Google has not (yet) indexed your parameter. URL check result. he page is not indexed. Log file analysis With the help of a log file analysis. You can determine which URLs are visited by. Google & Co. and how frequently. You should keep an eye on whether search engines are crawling your important category and product pages.

If this is not the case and instead the majority

Of access is to your faceted URLs, urgent action is required. Do you need more information about crawling & log files? Then the following blog posts belong on your agenda: Crawling Statistics: Does Italy WhatsApp Number Data Search Console Make Log Files Obsolete? robots.txt, SEO and crawling control Crawling control in online shops: But how? SEO Best Practice Faceted Search You now know the problems that can arise and how to analyze them. But how should you best deal with the faceted search? Use canonical tag One way to exclude identical pages from indexing is to specify a canonical URL.  A canonical tag in the HTML source code.

This tag tells Google which URL should be

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Taken into account for indexing. If you want to prevent a category page with t-shirts filtered by size. Category page into account, the canonical tag on each filter. URL must point to the t-shirt page. When should you use the canonical tag? You Vietnam WhatsApp Number List want to prevent your faceted pages. You have an online shop with only a few products and a few selectable properties. So the crawl budget is not a problem for you. Your most important pages. You accept programming effort (if your system does not offer an integrated standard solution) You want to concentrate link juice on your important subpages and specifically strengthen them So the canonical is basically a means of preventing duplicates.


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