
The minimum wage: an opportunity or a limitation?

The minimum wage: an opportunity or a limitation?

In recent times, the issue of the minimum wage has returned to the center of political debate . For this reason, it is necessary to understand exactly what we are talking about when we refer to this concept. How it works today not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. To fully understand what the advantages or disadvantages could be . The International Labor Organization defines the minimum wage. The minimum amount of remuneration that a worker receives. By law for work performed in a given period of time. Which cannot be reduced in any way by collective agreements or private contracts ”. Its calculation must be made taking into account the cost of living, and in particular, Eurofund has estimated that to be adequate its amount should be equal to a percentage between 50% and 60% of the country’s median salary .

The minimum wage already exists

In all member states of the European Union. This is consistent with the industrial relations systems present in individual countries. The distinction, however, occurs in the way in which this is determined and in its scope of application. We therefore speak of a “universal” typology when it is applicable to all Saudi Arabia Phone Number List workers and “sectoral. When it is intended for sectors or groups of employees. . Within the EU there are approximately 22 countries that adhere to this calculation. However, the former is clearly prevalent, and this brings with it the definition of the so-called SML, i.e. legal minimum wage. The remaining countries, however, including Italy , embrace the vision of the sectoral minimum wage , the determination of which is linked to the collective agreement.

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This is made possible by the fact

That the absence of public intervention is adequately balanced. By the presence of trade unions and collective bargaining. A significant example, still used today in support of the minimum wage, is represented by Germany and France. In Germany, a rule was introduced in 2015 that sets the salary level by legislative Singapore WhatsApp Number List means , with the obligation to recalculate it periodically. This legislative operation was necessary. Because in the years preceding the introduction of the law there had been a very high percentage of workers not covered by collective bargaining (around 40%). In 2015 the wage was set at €8.50 per hour , and then increased year after year, reaching € 9.19 per hour in 2019 . The introduction of this threshold did not reduce or increase the country’s unemployment levels. It had a whole series of very significant economic consequences, particularly in the demand for work.


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